Vol. 21 No. 2 (2020): July - December

Presence and use of Social Networks in Students of Basic Secondary Education

Alfredo Niño Rico

Published 2020-12-30


  • information network,
  • adolescence,
  • behavior,
  • research,
  • trends

How to Cite

Niño Rico, A. (2020). Presence and use of Social Networks in Students of Basic Secondary Education. Revista Docencia Universitaria, 21(2), 21–34. https://doi.org/10.18273/revdu.v21n2-2020002


this article is intended to address a pressing issue, framed mainly in the digital trend that encloses the presence of social networks in the lives of adolescents, in this case belonging to the lower secondary level, and enrolled in two public schools of Bogota; all of which is part of an exploratory approach developed with the intention of confirming possible study problems associated with the aforementioned object. The investigation circumscribes its actions to an explanatory investigation under the non-experimental modality. A survey was applied to 1,106 students, which served to estimate a reality that highlights particular perceptions and behaviors around the digital issue in school environments, which in general seems to reflect the intense incidence of social networks in the daily life of young people in secondary education; where the excessive use of these, as well as cyberbullying or bullying as an expression of the virtuality that results from the violence exerted in person and that is extended to social networks as a form of continued psychophysical violence, seems to represent alarming and conflicting situations that require an investigative approach.


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