Vol. 22 No. 2 (2021): July - December

Carranguera music and its environmental narrative in the strengthening of reception structures in educational institutions in the city of Bogotá-Colombia

Felipe Cárdenas Támara
Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia
Graciela Peña-Quino
SED de Bogotá, IED Canadá-Ciudad Bolívar, Colombia.
Nereida Leguizamón-Niño
SED de Bogotá, IED José Antonio Galán-Bosa, Colombia.

Published 2021-12-31


  • environmental education,
  • carranguera music,
  • environmental narrative,
  • identity

How to Cite

Cárdenas Támara, F. ., Peña-Quino, G. ., & Leguizamón-Niño, N. . (2021). Carranguera music and its environmental narrative in the strengthening of reception structures in educational institutions in the city of Bogotá-Colombia. Revista Docencia Universitaria, 22(2), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.18273/revdu.v22n2-2021001


The objective of this research was to identify the educational and pedagogical potential of the environmental narrative of Carranguera music, as a means to strengthen the structures of reception for children from 5 to 7 years old in the educational context of IED Canadá and José Antonio Galán, public schools in the city of Bogotá. The research approach is qualitative, with a hermeneutic design and participatory research action. As a result, the potential of environmental narratives of the Carranguera music were observed, as an educational means to strengthen host structures. The enrichment of vocabulary in children was evidenced from the transmitted contents of the environmental narrative of Carranguera music. In turn, from the daily practices, Carranguera music allowed to link the areas of knowledge and deploy various possibilities in the creation of an integrating model of teaching. Likewise, the experiences lived in each of the workshops, allowed generating a commitment that aims at caring for oneself, others and their environment, in the same way in the parent’s generated personal commitment to change the behaviors and negative relationships they assume with their children, diminishing environments that are not conducive to healthy coexistence. The investigation allowed us to conclude that the environmental narrativity of the Carranguera music makes it possible to generate educational dynamics aimed at strengthening the reception structures. Slow changes were observed, such as the tone of the voice on the part of the parents and the enrichment of the language on the part of the children. At the same time, the research made visible the importance and commitment of institutions and families from a model of environmental culture based on recognizing the value of the territory, the neighborhood, the family and the so-called principles of transcendence.


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