Vol. 24 No. 1 (2023): enero - junio

Philosophize from Hollywood. Teaching from the ideological battlefront

Juan David Almeyda Sarmiento
Universidad de Brasilia

Published 2023-06-30


  • Philosophy teaching,
  • Cinema,
  • Cultural industry,
  • Higher education

How to Cite

Almeyda Sarmiento, J. D. (2023). Philosophize from Hollywood. Teaching from the ideological battlefront. Revista Docencia Universitaria, 24(1), 45–57. https://doi.org/10.18273/revdu.v24n1-2023004


This research aims to demonstrate the way in which commercial cinema has the ability to enhance the learning of philosophical work in higher education. To achieve this objective, the article has three moments; the first, which delves into the concept of commercial cinema as kirsch or pop cinema that reflects elements of the social, political, etc., unconscious of society; the second, which exposes what is understood as philosophy and teaching of philosophy in this article, taking into account the impossibility of reaching a final answer about what these two concepts are and; Finally, the way in which Kirsch cinema, due to its mass nature and intimately linked to the phenomena of existence due to the commercial and ideological psychology behind it, is exposed, allows a pedagogy of the concept that makes teaching to philosophize an experimental task.


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