Soluciones periódicas para un modelo de población celular sujeto a una radiación periódica general
Publicado 2021-05-29
Palabras clave
- Cancer treatment modelling,
- cooperative systems,
- periodic orbits,
- radiation
Cómo citar
Derechos de autor 2020 Homero Díaz-Marín, Carlos Osvaldo Osuna Castro

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In this work, we considered models with periodic radiation can-cer treatment which describe the dynamics of cell populations in a tumor.This may also be used to consider dynamics of healthy tissue under periodic radiation exposure. We establish the existence of periodic orbits, byusing theory of cooperative systems. We give sufficient conditions for theuniqueness of the periodic solution which then becomes a global attractor.Numerical simulations are performed using specific radiation functions to illustrate our analytical findings.
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