Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas.
Vol. 39 No. 1 (2021): Revista integración, temas de matemáticas
Research and Innovation Articles

Global Solutions to Isothermal System with Source.

Xian Ting Wang
Wuxi Institute of Technology

Published 2021-05-19


  • Global L∞ solution,
  • isothermal system,
  • source terms,
  • compensated compactness

How to Cite

Wang, X. T. (2021). Global Solutions to Isothermal System with Source. Revista Integración, Temas De matemáticas, 39(1), 51–55.


In this short note, we are concerned with the global existence
of solutions to the isothermal system with source, where the inhomogeneous terms f(x, t, ρ, u) = b(x, t)ρ +\dfrac{a'(x)}{a(x)}+ρu^{2} + α(x, t)ρu|u| are appeared in the momentum equation. Our work extended the results in the previous papers “Resonance for the Isothermal System of Isentropic Gas Dynamics” (Proc. A.M.S.139(2011),2821-2826), “Global Existence and Stability to the Polytropic Gas Dynamics with an Outer Force” (Appl. Math. Letters, 95(2019), 35-40) and “Existence of Global Solutions for Isentropic Gas Flow with Friction” (Nonlinearity, 33(2020), 3940-3969), where the global solution was obtained for the source f(x, t, ρ, u) = \dfrac{a'(x)}{a(x)}+ρu2, f(x, t, ρ, u) = b(x, t)ρ, f(x, t, ρ, u) = α(x, t)ρu|u| respectively.


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