Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas.
Vol. 39 No. 2 (2021): Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas
Research and Innovation Articles

Optimal system, invariant solutions and complete classification of Lie group symmetries for a generalized Kummer-Schwarz equation and its Lie algebra representation

Danilo García Hernández
IMEC-UNICAMP, Escola de matemática, Campinas, Brasil.
Oscar Mario Londoño Duque
IMEC-UNICAMP, Escola de matemática, Campinas, Brasil.
Yeisson Acevedo
Universidad EAFIT, Departamento de ciencias matemáticas, Medellín, Colombia.
Gabriel Loaiza
Universidad EAFIT, Departamento de ciencias matemáticas, Medellín, Colombia.

Published 2021-10-08


  • Invariant solutions,
  • Lie symmetry group,
  • Optimal system,
  • Lie algebra classification,
  • Kummer-Schwarz equation

How to Cite

García Hernández, D., Londoño Duque, O. M., Acevedo, Y., & Loaiza, G. (2021). Optimal system, invariant solutions and complete classification of Lie group symmetries for a generalized Kummer-Schwarz equation and its Lie algebra representation. Revista Integración, Temas De matemáticas, 39(2), 257–274.


We obtain the complete classification of the Lie symmetry group and the optimal system’s generating operators associated with a particular case of the generalized Kummer - Schwarz equation. Using those operators we characterize all invariant solutions, alternative solutions were found for the equation studied and the Lie algebra associated with the symmetry group is classified.


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