Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas.
Vol. 25 No. 2 (2007): Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas
Research and Innovation Articles

Oscilaciones acústicas y el espectro de potencias

L. Castañeda
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá
D. Cáceres
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá

Published 2007-09-27


  • cosmology,
  • acoustic oscillations,
  • power-spectrum,
  • weak lensing,
  • Boltzmann equation

How to Cite

Castañeda, L., & Cáceres, D. (2007). Oscilaciones acústicas y el espectro de potencias. Revista Integración, Temas De matemáticas, 25(2), 137–143. Retrieved from


In the current paradigm of cosmology, the ΛCDM model enjoys greater acceptance given the observational evidence. This model is domi-nated mainly by two components of which physics knows very little about them. The dark energy, with a 70% is the main component and caused the rapid universe expansion, while the dark matter, with a 25%, is the major component of the self-gravitantes structures. In less proportion then exists the baryonic component which is the main constituent of stars and there-fore part of the luminous galaxies. Other species in lower proportion are the relativists neutrinos and photons. After the period of rapid expansion, called inflation, the high temperature relativistic plasma was the dominant component in the Universe. This baryonic plasma matter is ionized and is coupled to radiation dispersal via Compton. This hot plasma develops instabilities and trigger sound waves and rarefaction. These disruptions are supported until the universe in its expansion has cooled enough to form a neutral field. After these recombination, radiation was undocked forming the sea of photons of CMB. Along with disturbances metric placed on the potential for inflation of dark matter, plasma oscillations were printed both in the temperature of CMB as in the power spectrum of matter. Here it is shown how Weak Lensing can be used to study these oscillations. 




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[1] P. Hoyng, Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Printed in the Netherlands, 2006.

[2] Scott Dodelson, Modern Cosmology. Academic Press, 2003.