Authors' commitments

In order to promote proper action by the authors and to ensure that the arbitration process is conducted in the best possible way, the editorial committee requests to take into account the following aspects, of great importance, before submitting an article for consideration by the journal. The moral and ethical responsibility of the authors implies knowing and complying fully with guidelines proposed by the editorial committee:

Originality and plagiarism

The journal will consider only unpublished articles that correspond in its content and structure to the policies identified by the editorial committee. Research should be responsible, legal, carefully worked, use correct analysis methods, ensure results and present them appropriately.

  • Researchers should observe the publication requirements, ensuring that the work presented is original, is not plagiarism, and has not been published elsewhere, in another country or language.
  • It is the author's responsibility to clearly point out and reference any fragments that are taken from the work of another author in the construction of his work. Otherwise this will be considered plagiarism and discarded for publication, as set out in the protocol.
  • The evaluation process requires an exclusivity policy. This means that the author or authors will not be able to simultaneously refer their work to another publication while in arbitration.
  • Researchers should present their results in a clear, honest and un fabricated, counterfeit or data manipulation manner.

Multiple or repetitive publications

  • Authors should inform publishers if the findings have been previously published or if multiple articles or analysis of a single dataset are being considered for publication elsewhere. Authors must provide copies of related publications or papers submitted to other journals.
  • Multiple publications arising from a single research project should be clearly identified as such and reference should be made to the main publication.

On the editorial process (The complete description of the editorial process can be found in the author indications)

Peer review process

  • Journal's arbitration process is "double-blind," implying that neither the authors nor the peers will know their identities with each other. In this sense, it is the author's responsibility to avoid any direct allusion or indication about his identity within the body of the text.
  • The final selection and approval of an article will depend on the academic concept of the peers convened and the willingness of the authors to make the suggested as necessary amendments, within the agreed timely period, once the article has been reviewed by the committee of editors.
  • Authors should inform the publisher if they remove their work from the review, or if they choose not to respond to reviewer feedback after receiving conditional acceptance.
  • Authors should respond to reviewers' comments in a professional and timely manner.
  • Authors should respond appropriately to comments after publication and published correspondence. They should answer questions from correspondents, give further clarification or details when necessary.
  • Authors must respect editors' requests for press embargoes if the article has been accepted for publication and is not yet published.


  • The authorship of research publications should accurately reflect the people who contributed to the work and elaboration of the manuscript.
  • All authors must have read and become familiar with the work in question, and assume joint responsibility for the integrity of the research and its reports; if the authors are responsible for certain aspects of the investigation and its reports, it must be specified in advance.
  • All authors must agree to be included in the list and must approve submitted and accepted versions of the publication. Any changes to the list of authors must be approved by all authors, including those that have been removed from the list. The corresponding author must act as a point of contact between the publisher and the other authors.

Conflict of interest.

  • The conflicts of interest of all authors should be disclosed by explicitly demonstrating that they did not influence the results of the investigation. Likewise, sources of financing or any other type of non-financial support must be declared.

Ethics and informed consent committee.

  • In studies requiring the participation of living beings or environmental intervention, it is essential that the authors have the approval of the ethics committee of the competent institution and this should be mentioned in the continuity of their article.
  • If research is conducted on humans, publishers should ensure that it is included should include a statement on the consent procedure in the document. In most cases, informed written consent is the required standard.
  • For all case reports, case series and images of people, publishers must have obtained explicit consent for publication, which is different from consent to participate in the investigation. This consent should inform participants in which publication the work will appear; making it clear that, although every effort will be made to maximize the level of anonymity, it is not possible to achieve it in its entirety.

Ethics guideliness

Publication charges policy.

  • Médicas UIS does not charge any fees to authors, either for the processing of articles or for submitting manuscripts to the journal.