Publishers' commitments


Publishers are responsible for what is published in the journal and for the implicit processes. In cases of malpractice, publishers should be proactive, report and resolve the dispute by interacting with those affected as set out in the disciplinary section of this manual.

Editorial freedom.

Publishers are free to manage their work, but they should be aware of preserving authors' freedom of expression without affecting editorial quality.

Guarantee of ethical conduct.

  • Publishers should be attentive to ethical conduct in research, requesting approval of the studies by an ethics committee and ensuring that it was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration for Human Medical Research. Documents can be rejected for ethical reasons, even if the investigation is approved by the ethics committee.
  • Publishers should critically assess any potential breach of data protection and patient confidentiality.

Data protection and confidentiality.

Publishers must keep professional secrecy, preservation and the reservation of the source of information. In this sense it is vitally important:

  • Protect the confidentiality of personal records. These remain restricted to those who have a functional need to know them, unless the collaborator authorizes their disclosure or if this is required by law, regulation or court decision.
  • Do not manipulate or use information about the businesses of the journal or authors interested in publishing, which may influence decisions for personal gain, or generate profits or harms to third parties.
  • Do not use for particular purposes, or transmit to other technologies, methodologies or any type of information belonging to the journal, even if they have been obtained or developed by the publisher in their work environment.

Action in case of conflict of interest.

  • No publisher may represent the journal in commercial relationships in which he may have any personal interest, direct or indirect, at the expense of the journal.
  • Collaborators should refrain from delivering or receiving gifts, benefits or favors that condition the journal's relationship with third parties.
  • Collaborators engaged in personal external work, academic or research activities should ensure that they do not generate conflicts in relation to the interests of the journal or, if applicable, communicate it to the head of its department.
  • In order to maintain the transparency of the contests, sweepstakes or promotions in general, that the journal conducts, the editorial group will refrain from participating in them.
  • As a non-profit entity, the Médicas UIS does not agree to receive any economic gain in exchange for publishing, accelerating or delaying any editorial process. Nor should economic contributions be considered in exchange for privileges for authors and peer reviewers.


Detailed recording of all external processes of each of the editorial departments of the journal, will be necessary for any external audit and for internal control of the processes.

  • Authorship disputes: the journal relying on management records will be able to take action and guidance in this regard. You will suspend the process or publication of the text until this situation is resolved.
  • Preservation of rights: through a letter of authorship and assignment of rights, Médicas UIS acquires authorization for the copying, reproduction, distribution, publication and marketing of the same whether in print, electronic, internet, media or other forms and means. This must be signed by all authors.

Internal conduct.

Each editor will be governed by social and ethical norms that will allow him to lively and develop internal activities, encouraging good treatment and teamwork. In addition to the social norms that are a mechanism of socialization and collective regulation, which help to consolidate a particular social image for a group, each member must take advantage of the beginning of his experience as an editor, to the rules stipulated by the internal disciplinary manuals of the journal, allowing to preserve order within the organization.

Errors in published articles.

Médicas UIS will ensure the integrity of corrections to publications made: a correction (or errata) will be published when a reader, editor, or author displays an error that does not invalidate the work. The online version will be corrected by adding the date of the correction and the link of the printed errata. If the error invalidates the job, it will be withdrawn, and your withdrawal reason will be explained.

Cases of plagiarism, duplication, redundancy or any malpractice will be handled by the same publishers; however, in other cases publishers will need to request an investigation by an appropriate institution,as recommended by the Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE)  in situations of malpractice. Retired work will remain online, and must be marked as retracted, including PDFs, for the benefit of readers.

About the publication of editors in Médicas UIS

It is possible to publish, but it will be done with appropriate measures to not be excluded from indexing in multiple databases. However, if self-publishing, it is suggested to write text explaining the transparency of the editorial process and the purpose of self-publishing.