Once manuscripts are received, they are evaluated by the First Assessment Committee of Médicas UIS, which is attached to the Department of Editorial Possibilities. In this evaluation, it is set if the text meets the minimum requirements for publication, outlined in: classification, components and interest to the community; besides, Turnitin, a plagiarism detection software, is used. With this observation, it is determined whether the text should be sent back to the author or if it joins the second assessment with the possibility of being published.
Any document that is a candidate for publication in Médicas UIS is admitted to the Editorial Department who will be responsible for ensuring the design, literary and scientific quality of the manuscript by the Internal Editors committee, proceeding with the External Peer Review committee, which consists of pair revisers (at least two per article) made up by scientists with MSc or PhD degree in the area, who ensure the highest literary quality and scientific accuracy. This External Committee is contacted by the Editorial Possibilities Department and the estimated time to search for these peer reviewers is 3 and a half months.
Once they are performed, we proceed to the drafting of the Editorial Assessment, a document in which are recorded all corrections, opinions and suggestions collected during the mentioned reviews, in this document, each peer reviewer indicates an editorial decision regarding the manuscript. The decision options are: accepted, accepted with minor corrections, publishable with major corrections, or rejected. In the event of controversial cases, an additional peer reviewer will be requested and more weight will be given to the decision with the best justification. The editor in charge of the article has a maximum period of 4 weeks to draft and send the Editorial Assessment from the completion of the search for peer reviewers. The author has a time limit of two or three weeks to respond to the Editorial Assessment, depending on its nature, its reception must be confirmed one week before the document is sent, otherwise, periodic reminders will be sent to the authors. In that moment, the editor in charge and the author start a cycle of corrections.
After the document has been accepted for publication, new review rounds or Lasers are performed in order to detect new errors of form or style in the text, additionally, the format of the references is checked to ensure that they are in the correct format. After this, we proceed to the process of Layout, which is based upon the design parameters of MÉDICAS UIS, it receives the name of Diagramation. After completing this step, the diagrammed manuscript is sent to the authors, process called Galleys. They have maximum of 48 hours to make the final corrections of important details in the article.
In case of not receiving an answer, the Managing Editor of Médicas UIS will automatically accept its final publication. Then, the final article goes to the Marketing Department of Médicas UIS and the Publishing Department of Universidad Industrial de Santander, who guarantee its online publication.
Manuscripts must be sent to the OJS system. To send a manuscript you just have to enter the web page and follow the instructions on the screen. If you have difficulties in this process or you have any questions, you can receive information through the email: posibilidadesmedicasuis@gmail.com
As an additional requirement for publication, authors must complete the Authorship Letter, which must express clearly that the submitted manuscript has been read and approved by each and every one of them to be sent to Médicas UIS. Also, the Authorship Letter must clarify that the rights of publication of the article will be transferred exclusively to Médicas UIS, and it must describe that the article has not been previously published or submitted simultaneously to another journal, and its authorization for the release of it in our electronic version of Médicas UIS, with copyright protection.