Effects of a physical exercise program on biochemical and anthropometric variables in sedentary women of 20 to 40 years old from a university in the city of Armenia, Colombia, 2017
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Sedentary behavior

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Ortegón-Castañeda, R. A., García-Cardona, D. M., & Ramírez-Gutiérrez, J. A. (2020). Effects of a physical exercise program on biochemical and anthropometric variables in sedentary women of 20 to 40 years old from a university in the city of Armenia, Colombia, 2017. Médicas UIS, 33(2), 9–16. https://doi.org/10.18273/revmed.v33n2-2020001


Introduction: Sedentary lifestyle is one of the main factors of premature death worldwide, as it increases the risk of chronic noncommunicable diseases. Several investigations have shown that women perform less physical activity than men, therefore, it is necessary to develop physical exercise programs, which allow greater adherence to exercise, in addition to determining the impact of this on biochemical variables. Objective: To evaluate the effect of physical exercise on biochemical and anthropometric variables in sedentary women aged 20 to 40 years. Materials and methods: The study was a quasi-experimental, community trial type, where 28 sedentary women participated. The variables were determined before and after the application of a physical exercise program. The variables evaluated were body composition, lipid profile, creatinine, hemoglobin, and platelets. Results: The variables that presented statistically significant differences with respect to the first sample were adipose percentage, muscle percentage, creatinine, platelets, andhemoglobin. Conclusion: The physical  xercise program in the absence of control of the diet plan modified the percentage adipose and muscular, the concentration of creatinine, hemoglobin, and platelets, however, it did not lower total cholesterol, nor triglycerides. MÉD. UIS.2020;33(2): 9-16. 

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