Introduction: Point-of-care testing (POCT) are clinical diagnostic tests carried out than laboratory analysts, outside of spaces specifically designed for clinical analysis, and they provide quick results that improve the timeliness of medical decision making. In Colombia there is no information on its use and performance in specific age groups such as those in nursing homes. Objective: To evaluate the performance of a POCT analyzer for lipid profile (CT, LDL-c, HDL-c, TG) and glycemia in relation to the results of routine conventional methods of the clinical laboratory in a nursing home. Materials and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional. 52 residents were taken to whom paired samples were applied. Glucose and lipid levels were determined. Samples collected by fingerstick were analyzed by POCT and venipuncture by conventional methods certified by the CDC in the laboratory. A standardized instrument was used to describe the desired characteristics of the POCT. Univariate and bivariate statistics were applied. The results issued by the clinical reference laboratory were compared with those of the POCT through the ICC. Results: The average age of the participants was 78, range 64-91 years. The POCT showed an aceptable performance compared to conventional clinical laboratory methods, especially TG and HDL-c. However, statistically significant differences were observed in the results of glycemia, CT and LDL-c delivered by the POCT compared to those of the clinical laboratory. Conclusions: POCT can be an important option for chronic disease screening and management in nursing homes. However, an organizational structure is necessary to ensure the quality of the POCT measurements. MÉD.UIS.2021;34(2): 9-18.
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