Treatment adherence in type 2 diabetes: A logistic regression model. Caracas 2017-2018
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diabetes mellitus
treatment adherence and compliance

How to Cite

Angelucci-Bastidas, L., & Rondón-Bernard, J. E. (2021). Treatment adherence in type 2 diabetes: A logistic regression model. Caracas 2017-2018. Médicas UIS, 34(2), 29–39.


Introduction: The adherence to treatment in type 2 diabetes mellitus represents the principal strategy to maintain the condition controlled, and therefore avoiding its complications. There are multiple psychosocial variables, and variables inherent to the condition, that prevent the treatment fulfillment and therefore are important to evaluate. Objective: This research pretended to determine how sex, time with the condition, type of treatment, civil status, instruction level, depression, and rumination predict and classify people adhered to treatment and people not-adhered to treatment. Materials and method: Using a transversal design, the Tridimensional Questionnaire for Depression, an instrument to measure Diabetics’ Life Style, and the Rumination Scale of the Emotional Style Questionnaire were applied to 191 type 2 diabetics, between 19 and 77 years old, attended the Antidiabetic Foundation of Caracas, of which 84 were adhered, and 107 not[1]adhered. Results: The logistic regression model explained approximately 35% of the total variance of adherence to treatment, correctly classifying 67% of the no-adhered group, and 77% of the adhered group. Sex, time with the condition, concubinage status, the physiological component of depression, and rumination are the variables that differentiated the groups. Conclusions: The presented model is adequate to study adherence. This type of research allows to determine the profile of diabetics that are more likely to fulfill the treatment; thus, designing coherent interventions.
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