Primary Scrotal Sclerosing Lipogranuloma. Case report and literature review
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Sclerosing lipogranuloma
Testicular neoplasms

How to Cite

Garzón Correa, D. L., Ortiz Zableh, A. M., Ortiz Azuero, A., Bolivar, I., & de Valencia, C. (2021). Primary Scrotal Sclerosing Lipogranuloma. Case report and literature review. Médicas UIS, 34(2), 97–102.


Sclerosing lipogranuloma is a noncommon and benign disease that could affect any system in the body, especially the male external genitalia. It is usually presented as a subcutaneous mass in scrotum, perineum and penis. Although, most cases are secondary to the injection of foreign bodies such as paraffin, petrolatum or silicone for cosmetic purposes to increase penis size, it could also be due to endogenous lipid degeneration, secondary to trauma, infections or allergic reactions. There is no unanimity regarding its management or data on its prevalence as it is a poorly reported entity. Management with short cycles of systemic corticosteroids and surgery in relapsing cases have been described. The purpose of this article is to present a case of a patient with induration and erythema in penis and scrotum, who denied the application of exogenous substances and has a reported biopsy of the lesion with diagnosis of sclerosing lipogranuloma.
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