Challenges for guaranteeing the right to health of Venezuelan migrant and refugee population in Colombia in 2019
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Transients and Migrants
Health services
Universal health coverage
Right to healthcare
Social inequality

How to Cite

Calderón Jaramillo, M., Murad, R., Cifuentes, Ángela, Ariza, J. S., Sánchez, M., & Rivillas García, J. C. (2021). Challenges for guaranteeing the right to health of Venezuelan migrant and refugee population in Colombia in 2019. Médicas UIS, 34(3), 47–59.


Introduction: Since 2016, Colombia faces a humanitarian scenario generated by the arrival of the Venezuelan migrant and refugee population. In response, Colombian health system has sought to guarantee access to health services for this population. However, in practice, different challenges remain to guarantee universal health coverage in its three dimensions. Objective: to deepen the knowledge on the challenges faced by the Venezuelan migrant and refugee population in the right to health in Colombia in 2019. Materials and methods: Qualitative research with twelve focus groups held with Venezuelan migrants and refugees in six cities in Colombia that in 2019 had the highest volumes of migrant and refugee populations. Results: Barriers were identified in the three pillars of universal health coverage. In assurance it was evidenced that the Venezuelan migrant and refugee population, both irregular and regular, is facing barriers in joining the health system; difficulties generated by the different interpretations that providers make of medical emergencies were identified in access to services; in financial protection, it was identified that migrants and refugees are assuming as economic costs an important part of the health services they require. Conclusions: Among the Venezuelan migrant and refugee population, both in irregular and regular condition, barriers were identified in the implementation of the health care policy, which are affecting the realization of universal health coverage. MÉD.UIS.2021;34(3): 47-59.
PDF (Español (España))


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