Lymphedema: from pathophysiology to current treatment
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conservative treatment

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Zambrano Ferreira, J. A., Pérez Fonseca, S. V., Caro Becerra, A. C., González Rocha, Y. F., Gelvez Díaz, J. M., Rueda Gutiérrez, J. A., & Mallarino, G. (2021). Lymphedema: from pathophysiology to current treatment. Médicas UIS, 34(3), 61–70.


Lymphedema is the accumulation of protein-rich fluid in the interstitium due to an incompetence of the lymphatic channels. It is classified as primary when it occurs due to lymphatic channels abnormalities, and secondary lymphedema when it is caused by trauma, infection, venous thrombosis, oncological diseases and iatrogenia, especially after lymph node dissection. Objective: to describe the most important aspects in the treatment of lymphedema, understanding it from a pathophysiological perspective. Methodology: Articles published in Spanish and English were included, the majority between 2011 and 2021 that have content related to the objective of this manuscript. Conclusions: lymphedema has become a challenge to physicians due to the complex and multidisciplinary treatment that it requires, but, owing to the advance from microsurgery, the surgical management has become an increasingly effective alternative, especially because of its disease pathophysiological approach. MÉD.UIS.2021;34(3): 61-70.
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