Prediction strategy for patients with coronavirus cases; experience report Pereira, Risaralda, March- April 2020
portada 35(1)
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bayes theorem
probability theory
signs and symptoms
comunicable diseases

How to Cite

Giraldo-Ospina, C. E., & Giraldo-López, K. (2022). Prediction strategy for patients with coronavirus cases; experience report Pereira, Risaralda, March- April 2020. Médicas UIS, 35(1), 57–69.


Introduction: COVID 19 infection currently corresponds to the infectious event with the greatest impact on public health worldwide, in Colombia, as of April 30, 2020, 6465 accumulated cases, 360 deaths and 2186 recovered cases were registered, given the increase in cases reported through epidemiological surveillance systems, tools are needed to facilitate timely diagnosis and prediction in the behavior of cases at the national level. Objectives: to propose a statistical model that allows predicting the probability of a diagnosis of COVID-19 in the population treated for suspected coronavirus infection in a third-level institution in the population of Pereira-Risaralda between March and April 2020. Materials and methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study is presented, in which 82 cases were analyzed, a predictive model based on AND and OR logic gates, analyzes by descriptive and inferential statistics were performed. Results: of the 82 records analyzed, a male: female ratio of 1: 2 was found; 6% of the patients had a high probability for the diagnosis of COVID 19, 20% had an intermediate probability and 72% had a low probability for COVID19, the agreement of the model with the test results was less than 0.5. Conclusions: the proposed statistical model was insufficient to achieve the prediction of all the cases of COVID-19 based on the irrigation profile of the population. New investigations are required with larger sample sizes associated with longitudinal designs and combined statistical analyzes that allow to refine the proposed model. MÉD.UIS.2022;35(1): 57-69.
PDF (Español (España))


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