Aneurisma sacular a nivel del ápex de la arteria basilar
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Pinzón Amarillo, G. J., Puentes Infante, L. D., & Benavides Muñoz, M. (2008). Aneurisma sacular a nivel del ápex de la arteria basilar. Médicas UIS, 21(3). Retrieved from



The cerebral aneurysm is a focal expansion of an artery for weakness of his wall. A cerebral aneurysm can break provoking a hemorrhage intracraneana that can cause the death or serious complications. The aim of the article is to show the different types of aneurysms and the evolution of the patient with regard to the disease. One presents the case of a young man sent to the University hospital of Santander for a clinical picture compatible with aneurysm sacular in the ápex of the basilary artery. The patient present symptoms that include migraine, nauseas, vomits, between others. The panangiografia helps to establish the diagnosis, showing specifically the awkward glass. The purpose of the treatment is to reduce the risk of a hemorrhage subaracnoidea.

Keywords: Cerebral aneurysm. Subarachnoid hemorrhage. Basilar artery aneurysm.

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