Schizencephaly of prenatal diagnosis: case report
Autor: John William Waterhouse  Adonis era un joven de extraordinaria belleza, el favorito de la diosa Afrodita. Un día, cazando, un jabalí hirió de muerte al hermoso Adonis. Afrodita se pincha con una espina y  su sangre de diosa se mezcla con sus lágrimas divinas, devolviéndole la vida al joven
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Prenatal Diagnosis
Diagnostic imaging
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Congenital Abnormalities

How to Cite

Vargas-Cárdenas, A. X. ., García-Martínez, K. D., & Bautista-Vargas, S. . (2022). Schizencephaly of prenatal diagnosis: case report. Médicas UIS, 35(3), 35–40.


Schizencephaly is a congenital brain malformation, which is part of the group of neuronal migration disorders, which has a prevalence of 1,54/100 000 in live births, which is why it is considered extremely rare in Colombia. The objective of this article is to present a case of open-lip fetal schizencephaly, the subtype with the worst prognosis, whose suspected diagnosis is made with prenatal ultrasound and confirmed by fetal magnetic resonance imaging. Currently, this type of report is not available in Colombia.
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