Colombia´s scientific collaboration with Latin American and Caribbean countries on COVID-19 during 2020 and 2021
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International Cooperation
Latin America

How to Cite

Torres Pascual, C., & Rodríguez-Rodríguez, A. . (2023). Colombia´s scientific collaboration with Latin American and Caribbean countries on COVID-19 during 2020 and 2021. Médicas UIS, 36(2), 21–28.


Introduction: The need for information due to ignorance of Sars-CoV-2 led researchers to write and publish a large amount of information. Colombia is the second within Latin American countries with the highest scientific production on SarsCoV-2. Objective: to characterize the trend of scientific collaboration between Colombia and Latin American and Caribbean countries on COVID-19. Materials and methods: bibliometric study, the records were acquired from Scopus (2020 - 2021) with the terms COVID-19, 2019-nCoV, new coronavirus, coronavirus disease 2019 and Sars-CoV-2. Indicators of production, collaboration and visibility were analyzed. Results: 77 records were recovered. The production growth rate was 65.51%. The transience index reached 86.69%. The most productive author was A.J. Rodríguez Morales of the Autonomous University Foundation of the Americas and the Technological University of Pereira of Colombia (14.28%). 96.10% of the investigations came from universities. The inter-Latin American collaboration rate reached 11.66% with a collaboration index of 3.71 ± 3.09. The density of the network was 0.51. The greatest collaboration occurred with authors from Mexico (n= 27), Peru (n= 26), Chile (n= 25) and Argentina (n= 23). Argentina presented a higher degree of improvement (176) and number of citations (55.03) and Chile a higher eigenvector (0.35). The connection between the number of citations and the degree of centrality was 0.9. Conclusion: Colombia tends to participate in international projects and with Latin America and the
Caribbeancountries with greater capacity to develop research.
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