Characterization of Learning Styles, Satisfaction, and Access to Medical Residency in Participants of a Bimodal/ Virtual Continuing Medical Education Program in Medellín, Colombia, 2017
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Education, Medical
Learning styles
Internship and residency
Education, Distance
Continuing Medical Education
Students, Public Health

How to Cite

Patiño-Giraldo, S., & Gaviria, J. J. (2023). Characterization of Learning Styles, Satisfaction, and Access to Medical Residency in Participants of a Bimodal/ Virtual Continuing Medical Education Program in Medellín, Colombia, 2017. Médicas UIS, 36(2), 29–36.


Introduction: learning styles are student traits that can aid in curriculum planning in medical education. It is not known for certain if any specific learning style is related to satisfaction in continuing medical education or if it increases the chances of accessing a medical residency. Objective: the learning styles are student traits that can aid in curriculum planning in medical education. This study aimed to categorize learning styles within a cohort of physicians, describe their satisfaction according to each learning style, and assess access to a medical residency program. Methods: a cross-sectional study was conducted with physicians attending a diploma in clinical and surgical areas. Learning styles were categorized according to the CAMEA40 questionnaire. The median differences of course satisfaction was calculated. Subsequently, the association between each learning styles and access to a medical residency post was evaluated. Results: three hundred eleven (n = 311) agreed to participate. A total of 75 % had between one and two dominant learning style, the most frequent being the reflective/theoretical (n = 108; 34,7 %). No greater overall satisfaction associated with a particular learning style was found. Conclusion: one-third of the doctors had a reflective/theoretical profile. The overall satisfaction and access to a medical residency were no associated with any learning style.
PDF (Español (España))


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