Frequency and characteristics of self-medication during the COVID 19 pandemic in adults between 45- 70 years old in Armenia, Colombia, in 2020 and 2021
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Self Medication
Adverse Effects

How to Cite

Londoño Franco, . Ángela L., Dorado Hoyos, . S., Balsero Salgado, P. A., & Quiroga Naranjo, D. (2023). Frequency and characteristics of self-medication during the COVID 19 pandemic in adults between 45- 70 years old in Armenia, Colombia, in 2020 and 2021. Médicas UIS, 36(3), 53–63.


Introduction: self-medication is a public health problem; studies indicate that it could have increased during confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Objective: to characterize self-medication in a population between 45 and 70 years old in the city of Armenia, Quindío, between December 2020 and May 2021. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with a snowball sample. The first participants were patients that attended the Universidad del Quindio health center. Health professionals were excluded. The prevalence of self-medication was calculated according to sociodemogra- phic variables. Comorbidities and adverse effects of self-medication were also researched. Interviews were done via video calls and in person following biosecurity guidelines. Results: 128 participants were included. 84,37% self-medicated at some point in their lives and 59,37% in the last six months. The symptom that motivated this practice the most was headache in 28,99%. 42,18% self-medicated with more than one drug, analgesics being the most common drug (44,39%). 11,11% develo- ped some adverse effect. Conclusions: the prevalence of self-medication in the region was similar to that found in other areas of the country, occurring more frequently in women, adults between 45-54 years and people with a high educational level. Delay in the allocation of appointments by health entities was one of the reasons most frequently associated with self-medication.
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