Introduction: living donor kidney transplantation accounts for 23 % of transplants in Colombia, and most postulated donors do not complete the process. Therefore, this study aimed to describe the reasons for unfinished effective living kidney donation, characterizing the potential and effective living kidney donors evaluated in Colombiana de Trasplantes. Methodology: in a cross-sectional study, we retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 1488 potential donors, evaluated between 2008 and 2019. A descriptive and bivariate analysis of potential and effective donors was made. Additionally, we described the living donation process and reasons for non-donation in its different phases. Results: only 36.9 % of all the possible donors became effective donors. Of potential donors, 15.4% were not approved by mental health, 31.8 % were contraindicated by nephrology or surgery, the medical board did not authorize 11 %, and 4.7 % of donors were approved but did not complete the process. The most frequent reasons for non-donation due to medical contraindications were arterial hypertension, anatomic anomaly, and proteinuria greater than 300 mg/day. Effective donors were generally younger, with lower body mass index and higher frequency of first-degree relationships. Conclusions: only one-third of potential donors become effective donors. The main reasons for non-donation are clinical, but a critical percentage is disqualified for mental health reasons and for dropping out of the process.
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