Psychometric properties of the Child Behavior Checklist 4-18 (CBCL/4-18) in a rural sample of Caldas in 2021
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Internalizing symptoms
Externalizing symptoms
Conduct disorder
Social problems
Rural Population

How to Cite

Agudelo-Hernández, F. ., Vélez-Botero, H., & Guapacha-Montoya, M. (2023). Psychometric properties of the Child Behavior Checklist 4-18 (CBCL/4-18) in a rural sample of Caldas in 2021. Médicas UIS, 36(3), 145–162.


Introduction: the high prevalence of internalizing problems, such as anxiety, depression, somatic, and externalizing symptoms, such as conduct disorders, social problems and attention problems, in childhood and adolescence demands practical methods for timely detection. The CBCL/4-18 has been used. Objective: analyze the psychometric properties of the CBCL/4-18 in a Colombian sample of semi-urban and rural population. Materials and methods: quantitative, correlational study, carried out in educational institutions of four municipalities of Caldas during the second semester of 2021. Content validity was carried out by expert judgment, which was applied to a sample of 859 people from family’s people between the ages of six and 18 who lived in semi-urban (47.62 %) and rural (52.38 %) areas. Univariate analyzes were performed to determine measures of central tendency, bivariate analyzes to explore construct validity, and multivariate analyzes to analyze the degree of difficulty and discrimination, as well as internal consistency. Results: high reliability was found (Cronbach: 0.94) in the entire scale. In the test that all the elements accumulated statistical significance of p ≤ 0.05 and correlated positively and significantly with the scale to which they belong. Conclusion: The CBCL 4-18 shows adequate psychometric characteristics to be used as an instrument to detect and value mental problems in rural and semi-urban pediatric population in Colombian settings similar to the study.
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