Gradenigo syndrome that responds to conservative management: Case report
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Otitis Media
Conservative Treatment
Abducens Nerve Diseases
Gradenigo's Syndrome

How to Cite

Jiménez-Meléndez, J. D., Ulloque-Amador, H. A., Restrepo-Chamorro, C. A., Romero-Moreno, L. F., & Marrugo-Pardo, G. (2023). Gradenigo syndrome that responds to conservative management: Case report. Médicas UIS, 36(3), 115–121.


Gradenigo’s syndrome is a rare entity in the modern era with less than 50 cases reported in the pediatric population in the last 50 years. The clinical triad consists of acute otitis media, abducens nerve palsy and pain in the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve. Treatment is controversial since there are no high quality studies that support an specific management. Although traditionally the management was surgical, the current trends in case reports implies a conservative treatment with early antibiotics that may avoid the risks of a surgical procedure. We present the case of a 7-year-old patient with an acute otitis media complicated with a Gradenigo’s syndrome that was successfully managed with endovenous antibiotics (ceftriaxone and vancomycin), supporting with this case the current trends of treatment.
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