British and Russian nervousness: a comparison between two trends in the history of medicine focused on the nervous system
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Nervous system
History of medicine

How to Cite

Pinilla-Bonilla, L. B., Rodríguez, D. C., & Villamil-Villar, W. A. (2024). British and Russian nervousness: a comparison between two trends in the history of medicine focused on the nervous system. Médicas UIS, 37(1), 33–40.


History of physiology experienced a division in XIX century into two trends which are little known: analytic and synthetic trend, which originated in west and Russia, respectively. Synthetic trend also received the name of Nervism due to its conceptual core held that nervous system was the coordinator of all physio-pathological states of organism. In this paper, it is intended to stablish a comparative description between Russian Nervism school and another school that originated in Great Britain, at the head of Head and Mackenzie who held closely concepts despite its occidental origin. It was found 7 aspects of correlation between two schools which include overcoming of cartesian dualism, inclusion of oral cavity and embryological considerations, among most important.
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