Association between joint mobility, body composition, and self-reported physical activity in university students from Bogotá, Colombia. 2023
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Joint mobility
Body composition
Physical activity

How to Cite

Cardozo, L. A., Cuellar Peña, A. F., Reina Monroy, J. L., Castillo Daza, C. A., & Masso Calderón, A. M. (2024). Association between joint mobility, body composition, and self-reported physical activity in university students from Bogotá, Colombia. 2023. Médicas UIS, 37(2), 51–64.


Introduction: joint mobility is a physical quality that decreases with age if not systematically trained. It plays a crucial role in the efficient performance of everyday activities, from simple actions such as walking to more complex movements such as lifting or physical activity. Objective: to analyze the relationship between levels of joint mobility, body composition, and self-perceived physical activity in university students. Methods: a cross-sectional design with a descriptive-correlational approach, and convenience sampling was implemented. Joint mobility was assessed using the Flexitest test battery, body composition was evaluated through tetrapolar bioimpedance, and self-perceived physical activity was recorded using the “subjective physical activity scale”. Results: the study included 72 university subjects with an average age of 22,4 ± 3,74 years. It was found that women have higher levels of joint mobility compared to men, 55,50 points vs. 48,92, respectively (p = 0,003). Additionally, a higher frequency was observed in the “high” category of joint mobility level among the participants (45,2 %). No significant association was found between levels of joint mobility, body composition, and physical activity (p > 0,05). More than 56 % of the participants do not meet the recommended minimum weekly physical activity guidelines. Conclusions: levels of joint mobility and body composition vary according to sex, institutional strategies should be designed to promote physical activity.
PDF (Español (España))


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