Background: Despite overwhelming evidence supporting the efficacy and effectiveness of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in HIV prevention, its adoption has been marginal. In Colombia, more information about eligibility, awareness, and intentions to use PrEP in target populations and how these relate to social determinants is needed. Aim: to assess PrEP awareness, the motivational cascade, and the social conditions related to the cascade. Methods: A cross-sectional study in a non-probabilistic sample was conducted between April 2020 and February 2021 among 552 Men with Sex with Men (MSM) and 158 Transgender Women (TGW). We used the Poisson regression to explore the associations between PrEP eligibility, awareness, and elements of the motivational PrEP cascade (willingness, intention, and self-perceived need to take) and their sociodemographic characteristics. Results: 51.2 % of the participants were aware of PrEP, 58.7 % were willing to use it, 45 % were self-perceived as PrEP candidates, and 56.2 % intended to take it.TGW were less likely to be aware but more willing to use PrEP than the sample of MSM interviewed face-to-face. Low education was related to low PrEP awareness and low income to low willingness to start PrEP. Conclusions: These results support the pertinence of the cascade concept to describe the stage of the target population regarding eligibility and motivation to take it. To accelerate PrEP implementation, efforts are needed to increase awareness among MSM and TGW with focalized strategies for those with low socioeconomic status.
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