Stercoral perforation is a rupture of the colon associated with fecal impaction, rare and lethal, with fewer than 200 cases reported globally. It predominates in the geriatric population and primarily manifests with chronic constipation. The objective of the article is to present the case of a mid-adult woman with a history of chronic constipation and diverticular disease, who was admitted to the emergency room with a one-week history of generalized abdominal pain, progressing to a rigid abdomen, altered consciousness, and tachypnea. Abdominal sepsis was suspected, leading to an emergency laparotomy. This revealed fecal pelvic peritonitis originating from a sigmoid fecaloma with a 12 cm stercoral perforation, managed with sigmoidectomy, broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, and peritoneal lavage. The patient had a favorable outcome and was discharged. This surgically and diagnostically challenging case highlights the complexity of an uncommon pathology in an atypical age group.
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