Background: Drug-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws is defined as area of the jaws exposed for more than 8 weeks in patients treated with antiresorptive drugs, in the absence of previous metastasis or radiation, by interruption of blood flow to the bone tissue. Given the lack of specific epidemiological studies at the national level, the frequency cannot be determined with certainty, making it imperative to study it. Objective: to describe the cases of drug-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws in patients attended at the Alma Mater Hospital of Antioquia in the city of Medellin between January 2019 and January 2023, as well as the etiological, epidemiological, clinical, imaging and therapeutic factors. Materials and methods: retrospective descriptive study in patients with absence of maxillary pathological conditions and older than 18 years old; 56 histories were evaluated reviewing causal factor, immunological and histopathological diagnostic aids, described clinic and treatment plan in each of the cases. Results: 56 people were identified, the average age was 63.58 +/- 5 years, 41 patients were women (73%) and 15 men (27%). The site of greatest presentation was at the mandibular level (84%). Conclusions: This study demonstrates that both antiresorptive medications and oral surgical procedures are the main factors contributing to its development. Early identification and individualized care based on clinical and imaging findings are essential. Clinical outcomes improve with interdisciplinary collaboration, which is essential for effective treatment of this disease.
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