Introduction: Satisfaction allows measuring the quality of healthcare services and applies to the care provided by nursing staff to patients with a permanent medical condition, such as chronic kidney disease, which requires comprehensive and humanized care; currently, there is a gap in the regional literature regarding the measurement of satisfaction in these patients. Objective: To determine patient satisfaction with nursing care from the perspective of hospitalized patients with Chronic Kidney Disease at the General Hospital Atlántida, Honduras, during April-July 2022. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was conducted at the General Hospital Atlántida from April to July 2022; the selection was convenience-based through direct interviews. Data collection was performed using an instrument designed by the author, consisting of sociodemographic variables and dimensions of satisfaction (structure, process, outcome). Results: The population consisted of 30 patients, with an average age of 64,3 years and 66,7 % of female patients; the dimensions of structure, process, and outcome were rated in the range of fair-good with means of 20,77, 8,80, and 7,73, respectively. The score rating for the three dimensions (structure, process, outcome) was fair-good with a mean of 47,30. Conclusion: 53.3% of patients with chronic kidney disease were satisfied with the care received from the nursing staff, but only 46,7 % would recommend it; in this regard, it is recommended to implement interventions for nursing staff to improve the quality of care provided.
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