The occurrence of abdominal wall necrosis is a common complication associated with abdominoplasty procedures; however, the literature on techniques to reduce the risk and correct defects is limited. The aim of this article is to present the TULUA technique for abdominoplasty in cases where there is a high risk of necrosis as an alternative with favorable aesthetic and functional results. We present the case of a patient who had previously undergone abdominoplasty performed by a non specialized physician, resulting in a complication of extensive necrosis of the abdominal wall. Abdominal reconstruction was performed via debridement, negative pressure therapy, and the application of a partial-thickness graft in the cruciate area. A secondary abdominoplasty was subsequently performed in accordance with the aforementioned technique. The TULUA-type abdominoplasty was found to be safe and effective, yielding satisfactory aesthetic outcomes in this patient, who exhibited the sequelae of the initial procedure. This technique is regarded as safe due to its preservation of vascular flow and is deemed an appropriate option in cases of secondary abdominoplasty with a high risk of necrosis or in the reconstruction of the abdominal wall.
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