Introduction: Hospital readmission due an asthma attack is a cause of concern for children, adolescents, their families and health systems, given its high prevalence and the social and health costs it generates. There are no studies in Uruguay that analyze this health problem. Objectives: To describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of children and adolescents who were readmitted due to asthma attacks to the Pediatric Hospital, Pereira Rossell Hospital Center in Uruguay between September and November 2022. Materials and methods: Retrospective study through review of medical records and interviews. Sociodemographic variables, consultations for asthma attacks in the last year, setting, number of hospitalizations, use of inhaler chamber, inhalotherapy technique, written action plan, and home smoking were analyzed. Results: 149 children and adolescents were included, 85 % under 5 years of age; male 58 %. The diagnosis of asthma was exclusively clinical 95 %. They presented at the last consultation for asthma in the last year in: first level of care 68 %, emergency 91 %. Children under 5 years old had a greater number of emergency consultations in (p=0.003). They required at least one admission due to an asthma attack in the last year 34 %. Family members reported: home smoking 36 %, having a written plan to act in a new attack 40,2 %, using an inhaler chamber according to age 85 %, performing an adequate inhalotherapy technique 89 %. Conclusions: The factors most identified in readmissions due an asthma attack were age under 5 years, exposure to environmental tobacco and not having a written action plan for a new attack.
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