Argumentos de rechazo de dispositivo intrauterino y oclusión tubárica bilateral postparto en usuarias de una unidad de segundo nivel de Cárdenas, Tabasco, México
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González Zavala, M. A., De la Cruz Correa, R., Arévalo Posada, S. E., Llergo Domínguez, A., & Sánchez Barojas, J. (2009). Argumentos de rechazo de dispositivo intrauterino y oclusión tubárica bilateral postparto en usuarias de una unidad de segundo nivel de Cárdenas, Tabasco, México. Médicas UIS, 22(1). Retrieved from



OBJECTIVE: identify the rejection arguments manifested for the puerperae claimant users of the Cardenas, Tabasco, that reject family planning methods post-childbirth of high continuity (intrauterine device and bilateral tubal occlusion). 

MATERIAL AND METHODS: study of design observational, prospective, traverse and descriptive. Puerperae, claimant users of the Instituto Mexicano de seguridad social, Cardenas, Tabasco. August/2006-March/2007. 

SAMPLE FOR CONVENIENCE: patients whose childbirth was attended in the General Hospital of Zone No. 2 of Cardenas, Tabasco, captured during the daily pass of visit. 

VARIABLES: age, civil status, pregnancies number, childbirth way, rejection argument of the family planning methods. Data was obtained for survey method, previous informed consent. Be estimated descriptive statistics, and be analyzed partially the discourse. 

RESULTS: 183 puerperae of 15 to 44 years-old. Predominant civil status 140 married (76,5%). Pregnancies mean 2, mode 2, minimum 1, maximum 9. 

CHILDBIRTH WAY: 85 vaginal (46,4%), 98 abdominal (53,6%). Family planning methods acceptors 105 (57,4%) rejection 78 (42,6%). 18 manifested 1 argument (23%), 60 declared more of 1 argument (77%). Rejection argument manifested as frst consideration: "my partner and/or family doesn't consent" 34,2%. Explication offered with major frequency as second rejection argument: "fear to medial complications secondary to it" 35,6%. 

CONCLUSIONS: The covering of family planning post-childbirth in the medical unit is low. The arguments manifested for the patients to reject the show that the women possess lack of property sentiment over your body; and that exist disinformation over use, indications, benefts and risks of the family planning methods. 

Key words: Reproductive health. Family planning methods. Rejection arguments.

PDF (Español (España))


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