Procaína, epigenética y terapia neural en el cáncer, ¿una alternativa terapéutica?
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Jiménez Illera, J. C., & Cárdenas, M. L. (2011). Procaína, epigenética y terapia neural en el cáncer, ¿una alternativa terapéutica?. Médicas UIS, 24(2). Retrieved from


Procaine, epigenetics and neural therapy, a therapeutic alternative?A hallmark of human cancer from epigenetics is the silencing of tumor suppressor genes,along with DNA hypermethylation.This review describes procaine, which can produce epigenetic modification in four studies of cancer in vitro and in vivoand how, when combined with other anticancer drugs, increases the therapeutic index improving antitumor activity. Theaim of this review is to present a general perspective of selected data that shows the progress of the investigation ofcancer, defined as the study of reversible mechanisms interact on the DNA, altering gene expression without altering thestructure genetics epigenetics. In the same way, to explain an usefulness of a drug, procaine, a local anesthetic in thedemethylation of DNA and the consequent re-expression of tumor suppressor genes and its possible clinical applicationfrom the perspective of neural therapy, designed as a therapeutic alternative in that places a non-specific stimulationthe patient's body to locate itself self-organize into a state of health. For this, an electronic search of Agora, E-Book,Ovid, Pubmed / Medline, was conducted using this information for analysis.(MÉD.UIS. 2011;24(2):165-71).Key words: Procaine. Cancer. Alternative medicine. DNA Methylation.

PDF (Español (España))


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