Cause of death in patients with gastrointestinal bleeding, from 2004 until 2006. “Miguel Enríquez” Hospital. Havana, Cuba
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Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Endoscopy Digestive System

How to Cite

Almeida Varela, R., Bode Sado, A., Mendoza, M., León, C., & Samper, O. (2012). Cause of death in patients with gastrointestinal bleeding, from 2004 until 2006. “Miguel Enríquez” Hospital. Havana, Cuba. Médicas UIS, 25(2). Retrieved from


Introduction: one of the most severe and frequent events that can affect the digestive system is gastrointestinal bleeding, hence the importance of an early diagnosis and treatment. In spite of the therapeutic advances and the support of endoscopic methods, this entity sometimes has a fatal outcome. Objective: describing the causes of death of patients with gastrointestinal bleeding in this hospital. Methods: carry out this retrospective study that spans from January of the year 2004 until December of the year 2006. It was revised the reports of the committee of deceaseds, and the histories of these patients. Results: from the total of deceased patients in this surgery service, 29,3% were due to this cause. We performed autopsies in 77% of these patients, and the most frequent causes of gastrointestinal bleeding were esophagogastric varices 47%, peptic ulcers 19,5% and acute erosive gastritis 13%. Conclusions: gastrointestinal bleeding was

found to be a frequent cause of death in this hospital. The most commonly observed sign was hematemesis, and it was found to most commonly affect old men with a personal history of chronic illness. (MÉD.UIS. 2012;25(2):113-20)


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