Focus of the risk factors in leprosy: a focus starting from some social health determinants
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Risk Factors
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Moreira Rios, I., Moreno Diaz, E. N., Moreno Diaz, E. N., Sotolongo Castillo, A., & Carballea Suárez, Y. C. S. (2012). Focus of the risk factors in leprosy: a focus starting from some social health determinants. Médicas UIS, 25(3). Retrieved from


Introduction: leprosy is a chronic, infectious, granulomatous, transferable disease, although is not very contagious, caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae that affects the skin, the outlying nerves, the mucous membrane of the breathing superior roads, the eyes and other structures. Objective: to identify the risk factors of the leprosy focused in health determinants, in those that study the human biology, condition and lifestyles, environment, organization of the health services and the socioeconomic base. Materials and methods: observational descriptive study of traverse character, the universe of the study was constituted by the 27 cases of leprosy notified in the county of Pinar del Río, Cuba, from January of 2009 to May of 2011. To obtain the information the cards of mandatory declaration and the epidemic surveys were revised. It was used as summary measure the absolute frequencies and the percentage. Results: the main risk factors identified were: in the element of the human biology, the multibacilar infection; in the environment, the risk of the coexistence with a patient with positive baciloscopy test; in the organization of the health attention, spontaneous detection of the leprosy cases; as for the lifestyles, the individual behavior of the migrations, and in a general way in the socioeconomic base 40,7% of the patients had low school level. (MÉD.UIS. 2012;25(3):203-8).

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