Introduction: the diagnostic and therapeutic basis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in pediatrics are rarely taken into account, as this entity as a differential diagnosis to various entities. Objective: search, review and synthesis of information on the main forms of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in the pediatric population, especially its diagnosis and handling. Methodology: searching for information in databases and most trusted (medline, cochrane, scielo, pubmed and sivigila, and the official website of the ministry of social protection of colombia) to the terms tuberculosis, extrapulmonary and pediatrics. Results and conclusions: the information collected and taken into account to cover the subject, turned out to be poor, old and hard to find. Although some happen to be of low incidence, extrapulmonary forms of tuberculosis are not included in the differential diagnosis of various entities, and least in the pediatric population, which may develop more severe forms of the disease if it is allowed to proceed or fails to diagnose, because their immune system is not mature enough to combat the infection, and presentation at this age, is an indicator of ongoing transmission of tb in the community and a reservoir for future reactivation in adulthood. For this reason, together with various risk factors present in a significant percentage of our people in general, it is necessary to know the clinical presentation, patterns of early diagnosis and proper treatment of the disease. (MÉD.UIS. 2013;26(1):45-58).
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