Prucalopride: selective enterokinetic as a new alternative in the treatment of chronic constipation.
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Combined Modality Therapy
Gastrointestinal Motility

How to Cite

Ortiz-Olvera, N. X., & Méndez-Navarro, J. (2013). Prucalopride: selective enterokinetic as a new alternative in the treatment of chronic constipation. Médicas UIS, 26(2). Retrieved from


Chronic constipation is a common health problem that afects all ages, generates poor quality of life, and impacts negatively on the health systems of developed and developing countries. The defnition of constipation is based on the objectivity of stool frequency as well as in the subjective symptoms associated with this disorder like straining, sensation of incomplete evacuation or hard stools. The treatment includes changes in lifestyle, aerobic exercise, increased intake of water and fber, laxatives and the use of motility stimulants or prokinetics. A novel alternative is the enterokinetic prucalopride, a selective 5HT4 serotonin agonist, which increases the peristaltic refex and triggers high amplitude muscle contractions of the colon promoting intestinal deposition. Prucalopride has proven efcacy and safety in adults including elderly patients with chronic constipation. (MÉD.UIS.2013;26(2):29-33).


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