Accessibility to action for prevention and control of hypertension: a shared responsibility
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Health Services Accessibility
Prevention and control
Health Promotion

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Pico Espinosa, O. J. (2013). Accessibility to action for prevention and control of hypertension: a shared responsibility. Médicas UIS, 26(2). Retrieved from


Hypertension is an increasing health problem with a great impact on society as it is considered one of the leading causes of death and disability. A literature review was made in order to study the accessibility to mainly non-pharmacologic prevention and control actions for this morbid condition. Patient-related factors are beliefs, unawareness of the disease or strategies for its control. At the health services level, it was found that the main factors are related to health practitioners’ abilities to give education or to promote healthy life styles,
besides the organization of health institutions. Attention is called about the importance of the involvement of other society sectors to control this health issue, based on the fact that many proposed interventions go beyond the health services feld of action (MÉD.UIS. 2013;26(2):35-41).

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