The contributions of Henry Head to neuroanatomical and physiological bases of therapy segment
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Referred Pain
Alternative Medicine
Visceral Pain
History of medicine

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Navarro, K. N., & Pinilla, L. (2013). The contributions of Henry Head to neuroanatomical and physiological bases of therapy segment. Médicas UIS, 26(3). Retrieved from


Henry Head,  a British neurologist,  carved  a name  for himself  in  the Western Medicine Annals  for his  contribution  to  the  creation of dermatome maps. Segment therapy stands as one of the therapeutic modalities making up neural-therapeutic medicine, and this paper is within the theoretical and experimental support frame of the study of  its utilization. The hypotheses proposed by Head  in terms of association and  interrelation of cutaneous and visceral sensitivity can be deemed as a contribution to the neural-anatomic physiologic grounds for not only neural-therapy, but also general medicine. This paper constitutes a historic review of one of the least known parts of his work, devoted to visceral-disease-referred pain and visceral-disease-associated mental changes. (MÉD.UIS. 2013;26(2):33-44).


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