Introduction: Investigative thinking is a part of the integrality of medical reasoning and the concept of university. The low participation of medical students in research can be by a lack of motivation and scientifc formation. Objective: to consider the need to encourage the medical research in undergraduate students, the value of scientifc medical students associations and the impact in the development and scientifc quality of university. Development: the scientifc production is a measure of the impact and quality of universities, hence, medical scientifc formation must begin from the frst levels. The example of students linked to investigative processes can motivate other medical students to do it and the medical students’ scientifc associations are key in promoting the spirit of research in undergraduate students. Conclusions: the research be should encourage from undergraduate level complementing the integral medical formation. The medical students’ scientifc associations favor spaces that stimulate research processes. (MÉD. UIS. 2013;26(3):57-60)
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