Breast cancer screening mammography, benefits and disputes
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Febles, G. (2014). Breast cancer screening mammography, benefits and disputes. Médicas UIS, 27(1). Retrieved from


This is a literature review about the benefits and controversies of mammographic screening for breast cancer and aims to assess the justification for application in mammography. We include the latest results of the first randomized clinical trials to assess the impact of screening on mortality from breast cancer. Reviews and meta-analyzes of the results of previous studies and the results of screening programs in place are also included. An analysis of the effects of screening in reducing mortality from breast cancer is made, the existing controversies are discussed and events considered adverse effects of screening are analyzed: false positives, overdiagnosis and exposure to X-rays. The analyzed evidence suggests that mammography screening for breast cancer is justified because of its effectiveness in reducing mortality from this disease and also because the benefit outweighs the risk of any adverse effects. (MÉD.UIS. 2014;27(1):51-8).

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