Education and cancer prevention: knowledge of brazilian students about breast cancer. Lagarto, Brazil, 2014
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How to Cite

Kameo, S. Y., Moura Silva, G., Cabral Neves, S. O., Okino Sawada, N., & Ribeiro da Costa, R. (2016). Education and cancer prevention: knowledge of brazilian students about breast cancer. Lagarto, Brazil, 2014. Médicas UIS, 29(1), 37–44.



Introduction: breast cancer is the leading cause of death among Brazilian women, 57 120 new cases are expected in 2015. Therefore, there is the need for strategic actions aimed at prevention and early diagnosis. Health education is an action directed on the knowledge of people, and this process helps to reduce cancer morbidity and mortality statistics. Objective: to identify the knowledge level of students in relation to breast cancer, its risk factors and how to prevent them. Material and methods: this is a quantitative, descriptive and exploratory research. Healthcare academics at Federal University of Sergipe conducted a presentation targeted to high school students from public schools, dramatizing real situations, emphasizing prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer, and after that, they performed data collection using a questionnaire related to breast cancer prevention. Ethical issues were followed according to Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council. Results: the sample consisted of 185 students, mostly female, between 18 to 20 years old, attending high school. In the last three years, 80.5% reported having received information on breast cancer; 53% received information on breast self-examination. Even after receiving knowledge about the prevention of breast cancer, 61.1% did not perform the breast self-examination; among the ones who did it, 64.9% did not find changes in the breast. Knowledge and awareness of women about breast cancer seem to be related to the delay in diagnosis and also in adherence to screening practices. Conclusion: most people received information about breast cancer, but do not use it correctly. Even though not being able to change some risk factors such as age and family history, the information about prevention is useful for women to know their risks and can take a conscious attitude to early detection. MÉD UIS. 2016;29(1):37-44.

keywords: Breast neoplasms. Health education. Students.
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