Introduction: osteoarthritis of the knee is a common disease, there are a lot of poor prognosis factors in patients treated with arthroscopy alone and one of them is varus deformity and for that reason a corrective osteotomy should be performed. Objective: to analyze the advantages of simultaneous arthroscopy and osteotomy in patients suffering from medial tibiofemoral osteoarthritis of the knee associated with varus deformity. Methodology: a search in the databases Pubmed, Hinari, Scielo and Medline was done through the information locator EndNote by using the words arthroscopy of the knee, arthroscopy and osteotomy of the knee, y osteotomy of the knee, resulting in a total of 350 articles which 59 of them selected for review, 49 of them in the last five years, including three books and eight own references. Results: the relationship between intrarticular lesions and angular deformity was found, especially those located at the medial tibiofemoral compartment. The author stated that varus deformity is associated to poor prognosis, taken into account a previous investigation. Conclusions: arthroscopy and high tibial osteotomy combined offers more advantages over other interventions in the treatment of patients with knee osteoarthritis of the medial tibiofemoral compartment and varus angular deformity, such as deformity correction, proper joint function and pain relief. MÉD UIS. 2016;29(1):45-51.
Keywords: Arthroscopy. Osteotomy. Tibial meniscus. Osteoarthritis.
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