Quality of records in a timely screening program for cervical cancer
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Cervical Cancer
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Quality Assurance Health Care

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Gutiérrez-Enríquez, S. O., Terán-Figueroa, Y., Monreal-Delgado, L., Nieva -de-Jesús, R., & Gaytán-Hernández, D. (2017). Quality of records in a timely screening program for cervical cancer. Médicas UIS, 30(3), 59–65. https://doi.org/10.18273/revmed.v30n3-2017006


Introduction: cervical cancer is a public health problem in Mexico, in 2012 528 000 new cases. One line of research related to the cervical cancer program is the quality of records in terms of readability, completeness, and accuracy. Objective: to evaluate the quality of the records made by the health personnel in the Cervical Cancer Detection Service. Materials and Methods: a cross-sectional study carried out at the Mexican Social Security Institute of San Luis Potosí, Mexico, from august 2012 to september 2013. The universe of records, application forms and results of cervical cytology performed during january to november of 2012 was 4139. A stratified probabilistic sampling (1 115 records) was applied. We used a checklist with 32 items divided into 7 sections. Three indicators were used to analyze the data: accuracy, readability and completeness. An ordinal scale was established with the score obtained: low (0-64), medium (65-128) and high (129-192). Student’s t-test was used to compare scores on the quality of the records. Results: readability reached a median level in the quality of the records (80.6%), in the completeness 59.6% in the high level and in the precision 40.4% in the average level. Nurses received better quality of records than cytotechnologists (p = 0.05). Conclusion: the quality of the records made by the health personnel is medium. MÉD.UIS. 2017;30(3):59-65.

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