Enfoque práctico del síndrome metabólico en pediatría
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Mosquera Álvarez, W., Cano Rosales, D. J., Castro Monsalve, J. M., Cepeda Sarmiento, M. L., Durán Hernández, Álvaro E., Karl, G., & Suárez Velandia, M. M. (2009). Enfoque práctico del síndrome metabólico en pediatría. Médicas UIS, 22(3). Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistamedicasuis/article/view/799



The metabolic syndrome in pediatrics identify a high risk population for cardiocerebrovascular events and type 2 diabetes since six years oíd. Early detection and treatment of risk factors constitute the main point of intervention to decrease the morbidity and mortality related with cardiovascular disease in the médium and long terms. This treatment will créate healthy family habits and it will promote the control of these risk factors in each family member. This article presents a practical approach on this issue in pediatric clinical care since six years of age. 

Key words: Metabolic syndrome X. Pediatrics. Food habits.

PDF (Español (España))


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