Cuidados paliativos: evolución y tendencias
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Pino Navarro, C. E. (2009). Cuidados paliativos: evolución y tendencias. Médicas UIS, 22(3). Retrieved from



Palliative care and hospices have developed rapidly since the late 60'. The pioneering work of Cicely Saunders was instrumental in drawing attention to the end-of-life care needs of patients with advanced malignant disease. Recognizing palliative care as a specialist área of health care practice is a recent development which has infuenced the expectations of community and government. This área offers a number of unique contributions to the advancement of care at the end of life. Perhaps its most valuable contribution is in providing a model of care that addresses the physical, psychological, spiritual and social needs of all patients delivered by a multidisciplinary team. Palliative care services have developed in many settings and have often been closely related to oncology. The worldwide need for this type of care remains much greater than the available provisión, but there are encouraging signs of recognition by policymakers and infuential bodies, and interest in palliative care has never been greater. This paper charts the modern history of such care around the world and concludes on some current issues and future challenges. 

Key words: Palliative care. End-of-life care. Death. History. Evolution.

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