Review of the classification and diagnosis of mullerian malformations
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Mullerian anomalies
Diagnostic imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging

How to Cite

Velandía-Avendaño, M. C., & Sepulveda-Agudelo, J. (2018). Review of the classification and diagnosis of mullerian malformations. Médicas UIS, 31(2), 57–63.


Mullerian malformations are a group of gynecological alterations that present a variable symptomatology, which varies between primary amenorrhea, dyspareunia, sexual dysfunction, pain, pelvic masses, endometriosis, abnormal uterine hemorrhage, infection, spontaneous recurrent abortion and premature birth, and can even be asymptomatic. It´s necessary a malformation’s classification that allows an adequate understanding, diagnosis and treatment; on the other hand, it is of vital importance the early diagnosis in the symptomatic cases that allows the appropriate surgical treatment of each anomaly, in order to avoid gynecological and obstetric complications, such as: sterility, hematoma, pyometra, ectopic gestation in rudimentary horn and Intrauterine growth restriction. The objective of this article is to present the actual classification of Mullerian malformations and to determine which image studies, according to the evidence, are the most recommended to make a suitable diagnosis of this pathology. MÉD.UIS. 2018;31(2):57-63.
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