Complicaciones focales en salmonelosis, 13 casos entre los años 1996 y 2002 en Galicia, España
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Villamil Cajoto, I., Martínez Rey, M. C., Rodríguez Otero, L., Rodríguez Framil, M., & Villacian VIcedo, M. J. (2009). Complicaciones focales en salmonelosis, 13 casos entre los años 1996 y 2002 en Galicia, España. Médicas UIS, 22(3). Retrieved from



Genus salmonella includes enterobacteriaes responsible of a great amount of infectious diseases. Focal complications are not frecuent. We conducted a 5 retrospective study between 1996 and 2002. We included 153 cases with salmonella infection, 13 of which (8, 5%) with ages between 17 and 80 years (median 37) presented focal complications. Nine of the patients were male (69%) and in 7 cases (54%) risk factors were present, 12 (93%) presented previously gastroenteric signs. Microbiological diagnosis established through stool examination (5 cases), in 6 (46%) with blood culture, in other 3 cases, both were positive. Complications included splenic abscess, pneumonía, endocarditis, endarteritis, sepsis, hepatitis and reactive arthritis. No clear seasonal pattern was established. Eight patients (64%) received ciprofoxacin. Three patients were surgically treated. Two patients died. Conclusión: In our series prevalence and morbimortality in focal complications are high. The most common presentation was sepsis (4 cases), pneumonía (3) and splenic abscess (2). Bacteraemia was documented in a high percentage of cases. No seasonal pattern was established.  

Key words: Salmonella. Salmonella infections. Nontyphoidal salmonella. Salmonella Typhi.

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